

Instantly run mobile apps in your browser with iOS simulators & Android emulators. Appetize is ideal for support, training, previews, testing & automation.

Mobile simulator - responsive testing tool

Smartphone and tablet simulator on computer with several models to test mobile responsive websites.

Mobile simulator - responsive testing tool

詳細資料 · 版本. 4.5.1 · 已更新. 2025年3月3日 · 功能. 提供應用程式內購商品 · 回報疑慮 · 大小. 12.66MiB · 語言. 18 種語言 · 開發人員. DUPRAT ...

Simulate mobile devices with device mode

Device mode is the name for a collection of features in Chrome DevTools that help you simulate mobile devices.

Emulate mobile devices (Device Emulation)

Use the Device Emulation tool, sometimes called Device Mode, to approximate how your page looks and behaves on a mobile device.

Browser Emulators with Instant Access, No Setup

Browser Emulators. Test & interact remotely with a suite of the latest desktop, mobile and tablet browsers. Instantly access 3000+ real devices & browsers ...

Replace Mobile Browser Emulator with Real Device ...

評分 4.5 (80) · 免費 · 網頁瀏覽器 A mobile browser emulator mimics a mobile device in your own computer. This enables developers, QA engineers and designers to quickly check how their websites ...

Mobile Browser Simulator

The Mobile Browser Simulator is a web application that helps you test mobile web applications without having to install device vendor native SDK.

Mobile Emulator Online

評分 4.8 (621) · 免費 Online mobile browser emulators from LambdaTest allows you to seamlessly test your mobile apps, websites,and web apps on mobile browsers and mobile devices.

Smartphone simulator on computer

Mobile FIRST is a Chrome and Firefox extension to easily simulate a realistic smartphone or tablet in one click. Very useful to test a website, make beautiful ...


InstantlyrunmobileappsinyourbrowserwithiOSsimulators&Androidemulators.Appetizeisidealforsupport,training,previews,testing&automation.,Smartphoneandtabletsimulatoroncomputerwithseveralmodelstotestmobileresponsivewebsites.,詳細資料·版本.4.5.1·已更新.2025年3月3日·功能.提供應用程式內購商品·回報疑慮·大小.12.66MiB·語言.18種語言·開發人員.DUPRAT ...,Devicemodeisthenameforacollectionoffeaturesi...

IG 電腦傳訊息,教你找回消失的私訊按鈕

IG 電腦傳訊息,教你找回消失的私訊按鈕
